I stopped doing this exercise because it causes more backaches than gains

I stopped doing this exercise because it causes more backaches than gains


  • The standing oblique crunch is a popular ab exercise that can injure you if done inaptly.
  • A particular coach said she stopped doing the exercise in favor of druthers that avoid back pain.
  • Exercises like heel gates and slow bike crunches can safely and effectively target your side abs.

A popular core exercise may look like it gets results but can leave you with pangs rather than abs, according to a particular coach.

The standing oblique crunch( occasionally called a side crunch or side bend) is a common move to carve the sides of the core, but it's delicate to do rightly and frequently leads to injury, said Cat Kom, coach and author of Studio SWEAT OnDemand. 

The exercise involves holding a dumbbell, kettlebell, or other weight in one hand at hipsterism height, also bending at the midriff to lean sideways, lowering the weight parallel to your body, and raising it again.

" It's tough to get your body in the right position. Your body is not really meant to flex to the side so it does not handle that cargo well," she said.

" I used to do them as a youngish coach, but there are so numerous effects you can do to work that same area," Kom said.

Safer druthers include heel gates or bike crunches


That work the muscles called the obliques, one of the largest muscle groups of the core, located on either side of your waist.

" I am not an addict. I see them done frequently and the coming day people say' My reverse hurts.'" she said. However, I'll stop them," If I ever see any of my coaches doing it."

The problem is that utmost people will struggle to duly target the abs, and rather put stress on other muscles, like the reverse, according to Kom.


The result is frequent soreness, and not in a good way, and Kom said she's stopped doing standing oblique crunches in favor of safer druthers.

There are better options for lighting up your core that help target all the muscles of your body for strong, well-rounded abs, without straining your back, Kom said. 

There are better options for lighting up your core that help target all the muscles of your heart for strong, well-rounded abs, without straining your reverse, Kom said.

One option is heel gates, performed by lying on the ground with your knees fraudulent and bases planted a short distance from your hips. From there, reach one arm straight down along the ground to valve your heel, and repeat on the other side, interspersing to work both sides of your core while supporting your chin.


Kom also recommends bike crunches. The exercise involves lying on your reverse with your knees fraudulent and bases off the bottom, contracting your abs to bring your elbow to your contrary knee, and pressing your lower aft tightly into the bottom throughout the exercise.

Done rightly, bike crunches work nearly all the muscles of your core, from your obliques to the transverse abdominis.

The key to bikes, as with nearly any core exercise, is to go laggardly, emphasizing the control and pressure on the target muscles, according to Kom.

still, you are going to get doubly as necessary out of it and are more likely to avoid injury," she said," If you just decelerate it down.

still, strengthen your core and back with moves like a planter carry, or wallet carry, If you want to use weights to make stability and muscle.

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